Four Things to Know about Tan 499
What is Tan 499?
With the Army transitioning to a single combat uniform, base layers are changing as well. There are already plenty of Operational Camouflage Pattern (OCP) uniforms being worn in the field and various positions throughout the Army and Air Force as the switch started back in 2018. Both branches are transitioning to the OCP; with the mandatory possession date of October 1, 2019, for the Army. The Operational Camouflage Pattern is slightly darker than previous patterns, which calls for a better complimentary shirt that is darker as well. For the Army, base layer shirts will have to be either Sand or Tan 499. To get ready for this change, here are four things you should know about Tan 499.
Is Tan 499 the same as Coyote Brown or Desert Sand?
Tan 499 shirts are not the same as Coyote Brown 498 or Desert Sand The Tan 499 shirts are darker than the previous Desert Sand color. This is to better compliment the new pattern that the Air Force and Army have decided to transition to.
Tan 499 shirts became mandatory to wear with OCPs starting October 1, 2019
You have two shirt color options when wearing your OCP uniform. Your options are either Sand or Tan 499. While right now you can wear Tan 499 with your OCPs if you are in the Air Force, starting June 1, 2020 airmen will only wear the Coyote Brown.What Should Tan 499 be called?
Tan 499 should only be called “Tan” or “Tan 499”. It should not be called “Coyote Tan” or “New Coyote Brown” “Tan” and “Tan 499” are the accepted terms by Army for the undershirt. Coyote brown is a different color.
Tan 499 is an approved color by the Army
While Coyote 498 will be an acceptable boot color for the new uniform, it is not accepted for the color of the shirt. Tan 499 is an approved color for your belt, boots, and shirt. When wearing your uniform, you do not have to match a shirt, belt, and boots.
DRIFIRE manufactures USA made and Berry Compliant products with the highest quality to help protect you in your unknown environments. Get your inherent and permanent flame resistant OCP uniforms and Tan 499 FR base layers so that you are ready for the change.
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